Sunday, August 24, 2008


That's right sports fans I made it to the ol' home town: Battle Creek.
And can I just say the traveling was pure hell! Yeah, the only way to describe it. And that's ANOTHER blog for another day.

It's absolutely Twilight zone-ish being back here. In some ways it feels like I've blocked some things and places completely out of my memory. The city has changed so much in some ways and not at all in other ways. It's like being on a different planet and running into parts of your life everyday that you've forgotten about and saying "Hey! What are you doin around here?"

So what's it like being in the old home town with Adonis? It's interesting and entertaining actually.
I'm a lost little puppy dog for the most part. Those who know me as the pit bull are prolly crackin up about now. Yeah, I absolutely feel lost and intimidated. I can feel myself going inside myself for some sort of shelter and I need to make sure that doesn't happen.

So far I've met his grandparents who are so cute and awesome. Gran is funny and there's a soothing peaceful atmosphere around Gramps. I've also met the phantom brother Dre. He sort of comes and goes like a cool breeze. I'm gonna corner him one day and just spend an hour with the boy. I'll only take up an hour though, cuz a man like that needs to be about his "bidnazz..." and who am I to take up his time?
Today is an open house for my Grandmother. Her birthday is today so we'll be venturing to her house in Albion. I'm excited to see the family. I have a neice I haven't met yet that's almost 3 years old. Wait, maybe she's 4 years old. I don't remember. I'm not excited for the Drama that almost always follows these things. Eventually you hope that people learn a dignified way to deal with drama. I doubt that's the case yet. Either way it'll be fun to introduce Adonis to the family...well at least fun for me.

I'm feeling like I'm not on my turf and that's always a little intimidating. I think I struggle most with not feeling comfortable enough to just go someplace on my own simply because I might get lost. Well, I also don't have my own transportation... or key to the building.... or the apt...! LOL.
Now I DO know why the caged bird sings. :) JUST KIDDING! I'm actually enjoying things for the most part. I think Monday I'm gonna go get some things to keep me occupied while Donis is at work though. I AM struggling with feeling unproductive. I feel like slug. That simply ain't gonna work anymore. 5 days of that is enough. Being inside most of the time is getting to me. I keep looking outside expecting to see the mountain range. IT AIN'T THERE! lol. Funny. But I love the greenery of Michigan, that I do miss. There's not too much to do off the cuff in B.C. I can't just go outside and hit a trail to hike. But I could go downtown and just check out old vacant buildings. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to explore them. And it wouldn't feel right exploring them w/o Dannielle. (remember butch cassidy's cabin?.. Hilarious).

'Donis is more of an indoor city kid: Bookstores, coffee shops, libraries, gaming, reading, tv etc.
Im pretty far from that.

I think my spirit has always been Native American: Being outside camping, swimming, hiking or exploring some canyon, cave, vacant building or cave. Or just being out in the fresh air or yard planting, weeding, grilling, or doing some craft.
Right now I have cabin fever. I like being on the run and doing. I get in trouble and depressed if I'm just left sitting to long zoning at a tv or computer or even a good book.
Funny how differenly people are wired.
I'm also the more social one of us. I'm used to having a dinner party at LEAST once a week, and friends dropping by ALWAYS. Or just walking to the store, or the gas station or the neigborhood.
It'll be interesting to see how we figure stuff out.
So I have to click back into the "Michigan Zone" and out of the "Utah Zone."
Yeah I know it sounds weird. But my brothers and sisters get what I mean.

One thing I'm pretty sure is gonna work out well. I LOVE TO COOK. HE LOVES TO EAT!
When I can't get away I cook to get out my frustrations and anxiety. I don't really eat it all ( the fridge at home is overflowing with leftovers... sorry lyn ;) So It'll be good to have someone around how will.

For the most part things are going well. I think we're getting used to each others quirks and ticks and communication styles. I know it's gonna get interesting pretty soon... I can feel it. Not sure what that means...... but I can feel it...and it prolly needs to happen, whatever it is.

Augh. Sooooooo Anyway, just a quick little update from my point of view.

Hopefully we'll all get to hear about his point of view sometimes soon.

I'll holla back in a couiple more days.

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