Saturday, June 7, 2008

Logistics, logistics, logisitics...

The big question that looms over our heads (among the other 40 dozen or so) is where are "we" going to live? Who is going to move? At this point the answer is... we dont know. That being said, I don't think we are stressing about it too much either. We both have faith that the Lord will help us work it out, and I have have faith in Karyn. I have a feeling she will make it work, one way or the other LOL

There's pros & cons for either move. I wont go into my reasons here, as most of them are pretty personal and I'm not ready to share them with the general populace yet. Karyn has her reasons to stay in Utah also. Whatever the reasons, I know they are not insurmountable. Our relationship may not be traditional (lol) but it has solid foundations and lots of support. Jesus is our rock... and we are rockstars! :)

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