Thursday, April 3, 2008

Somebody Tried to Make Me A Widow...

I got a phone call yesterday morning about 9:50.

"Hey baby, What's up?" I say
"Well nothing... NOW!" said the man
"Now? Something was up before?" I respond.
"Actually... yes" he said.

sort of went through what could actually go wrong...
Week one, sewer backing up into the apartments
Week two, calling the cops for drug use of tenants
week three, court and evictions
week four, Nothing too much going on
Week five, Snowed in at the office
Week six, two of the units catch fire
Week Seven, TBA

Seriously what else could go wrong? Just about anything that can go wrong already has, right?

Yeah... not so much. Ok back to our phone conversation:

"Actually... yes" he said.
"what was up earlier" I said... a little peak in my curiosity.
"well" he said.... " I don't want you to freak out or anything...."


Ladies are those not prime choice words to let you know that something happened and you're about to freak out? Yeah, that line just has "FREAK THE HELL OUT" all over it!

Ok back to the convo... :
"Actually... yes" he said. "but remember those 2 tenants I told you I had to evict last week?"
"I remember" I said.
"one went smoothly, no problems. The other we thought was going ok. But the lady who got evicted this morning, pulled out an gun and shot a me .... I'm fine luckily I...."

"WHAT???" I said?
Hold up. Hold up. HOLD UP! The rest of the conversation was fuzzy after that. I'm not sure what I said. I could hear him say something about... "police are looking for her, they have the k-9 unit here trying to track her... blah... blah... blah..."

I seriously don't know what he really said after that. It's like my mind left me for the rest of the day.

I couldn't tell you what I responded. I wanted details, more details. Next thing I know he had to go and talk to the police again he said he's call me later so we ended the call.
I held the phone for about 10 minutes. I felt it was the ONLY link I had to talking with the man. Tears silently rolled down my cheek. I bowed my head and said a prayer of thanks for protecting him.
Most of the day I did my thing in silence. No radio, tv or any thing. I needed to sit in stillness and quiet because I couldn't wrap my head around the fact someone tried to make me a widow before I've even become a wife. I'm just not cool with that. My mind was reeling:

What if she comes back and tried to finish him off?
Am I supposed to be ok with him walking into the office tomorrow after all this?
There's ALOT going on with his job in just 6 weeks Is God trying to point him in another direction?

I let the assurance from the Holy Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart that everything was ok.
It would be another 5 hours before I heard from him.
By this time he was business as usual. One thing about The Man... he's very good about leaving things of the passed in the passed. For him, it was over and done with, time to move on. I really admire that about him, that he can let go and move on so easily. I'm hoping some of it rubs off. I'll worry every day if some psycho is going to try and knock him off.
*sigh* There's not much I can do about it. Apparently I have no say so in the matter. And I have very little influence being on the west coast and all.

This love stuff is difficult. You start to think in terms of WE instead of me and US instead of I. Yesterday I realized in a while my life will not be just my own. What happens to me will effect the family. The choices I make good or bad will effect the man. The choices he will make effects me. It matters. It should. Because if I didn't care so much it wouldn't matter, right? RIGHT!

All that being said, the Man is just fine. Went to work today without incident. (or at least I haven't been told of any. I'll check his other blogs later for the omitted details ;)

I didn't realize how much I loved him until the scenario of possibly losing him surfaced.

Be careful out there baby.

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