Monday, February 25, 2008

The Addams Family???? *click! click!*

My Alter Ego???

I'm texting The man this morning as per routine: "Good morning, have a good day, love you.. b lah blah blah.." u know the bleary eyed early morning usual.

He told me I probably wouldn't hear much from him today because he was doing some training. My heart sank a little but not too much.

So I said "tell me you love me and I'd be ok with that. " You know how we women are... trying to see what limits we can push for the day. I was partially joking expecting a " girl, you know i do." or "of course."

I must say this: anything I've asked of the man has more than EXCEEDED my expectations. It's all been above and beyond and I don't think he even tries, it feels like the most natural thing in the world for him to go above and beyond my expectations just by simply existing.

Ok to some of you, this is going to be a "Roll eyes insert GAG moment" but I don't care, it's my blog. You can leave now and try again next week if you don't like it. :-P

Anyway, back to my story. About 10 minutes after I sent him my request I got a text back.
"Te Amor" Awwwwwww Spanish! I liked it. It made my heart flip! That's nice.

A few minutes after that I got this message: "Je T'aime Vous :)"

NO WAY, FRENCH! THAT IS FRENCH! I thought I had to sit down.
Ok now keep in mind I'm a pretty rough cut girl. Not butch or anything, a little tomboyish with some jock mixed in but I tend to clean up pretty well and know when to be a woman. I'm clumbsy, clutsy, awkward and I would bumble THE MOST romantic moments if given the chance.

I saw that French and I don't know WHAT happened to me! The funny thing is I work for an international company and hear french accents all the time. They bother me because there is usually an amount of arrogance behind them. It's typical for me to roll my eyes and groan inwardly when I encounter that accent.

But OH .MY. FREAKIN. GOODNESS! I have been on Cloud 9, 10 AND 11 ALL today.

I turned into Morticia from the Addams family. Who knew the man could spit mad game IN FRENCH! Gotta tell ya, ladies, I'm feeling mighty blessed right now!

Yesterday he said those magic words I've been waiting for a man to say to me all my adult life:
"Baby, you cook and I'll do the dishes!" That's sooooooo Hot and Sexy to me!
That, my friends is a DONE DEAL!

OH MAN! I wonder if I can get him to say it in FRENCH!?????
(I'd prolly faint)

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