Friday, February 22, 2008

When You Start Analyzing the Phone Plans It Must Be Serious.

I've watched several of my friends encounter long distance relationships. In the beginning they would text and email and keep in contact in those ways. And then eventually, they would disappear for a couple of weeks. In the weeks of disappearance our mutual friends and myself would analyze the pattern: "hey, we haven't heard from or seen you in a couple of weeks." or " every time i talk to her/him they have to catch the other line." Or..... "you've fallen off the face of the earth, did you need some help getting back on?"

Jokes aside when they did emerge it there was always a similar pattern: They emerged with a new cell phone plan. It got to the point when we did finally see them again we'd just simply say..."which plan are you on now!?" One of my friends actually had a 2nd phone. I used to crack me up!

I looked at my phone bill yesterday. *ouch!* When I looked at it again last night I went and got the band aides and a lortab. I changed my phone number back in January. I had dated a guy about 8 months. This was 3 years ago. Haven't actually laid eyes on the boy in 3 years. Yet every once in a while he'd get graphic via the cell phone. I would just typically ignore it. Except over Christmas. I accidentally sent a return text. I thought I was returning another person's text. I happened to be the address of a townhouse I was planning on moving into in April. For a solid week my phone flipped out. was getting several HUNDRED texts and voice mails each day.
Finally I changed the number. Changing the number is a hassle, true, but this... THIS had to stop.
Ever notice how when you do adjustments to your cellular plan it's never just a 1 and done situation? I get the number changes, and I also qualify for a new phone as does my daughter. Mine was free, hers was $20. Not bad, we both got what we wanted. I got one with MP3 capabilities to that's awesome I'm happy with it. And of course with that is another additional service charge Oh, and I had to increase my texts to unlimited so again... another added service charge, fine no problem this is all going to save me some duckets in the long run right? RIGHT!

Then there's the non network texts that have blasted my 500 limit out of the water from one various regular friends but then there's a new friend on the east coast on network "A" oh... oh... OH... and MOST IMPORTANTLY some guy from high school crashing back through my life after a couple of decades who I think I'll keep around for a while, we can't forget him on network "H." So needless to say with all the drama of the last month and me not paying attention my phone bill is pretty high this month.

With that being said The man did the research on moving from his plan/network over to mine.
I think it's a go. I saw that CRAZY phone he wants, my goodness guys, why can't it just be a phone? Or if you're going to get a phone that does everything...... AND I MEAN EVERYTHING..... then get a phone that will do my dishes for me. Anyway we've been looking at phone plans..... so it MUST BE SERIOUS!

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